
Aarhus Seashop Magento 2 Migration

<2s average page load time
reduced to under 2 secs
98% score on Google
PageSpeed Insights
100% custom design
3 months delivery time

Om Aarhus Seashop

Aarhus Sea Shop har Danmarks største udvalg af sejlertøj og udstyr til sejlsportsentusiaster. Vores langvarige partnerskab med Aarhus Sea Shop har strakt sig over flere år, præget af samarbejdsprojekter med det formål at forbedre deres digitale tilstedeværelse. Da Magento 2 udkom, blev det tid til at migrere over til den nye platform. Dette projekt omfattede også en integration med deres ERP-system, Navision, og et redesign for at modernisere udtrykket og optimere brugeroplevelsen. Vi er stolte af mangeårige samarbejde med Aarhus Seashop og de projekter vi har lavet sammen igennem tiden

Migration fra Magento 1 til Magento 2 Integrering af ERP-system Navision til Magento 2 Nyt og moderniseret design
Optimeret brugeropelvelse Google Analytics og Google tag manager integration Skræddersyet import modul
Mailchimp integration Tilpasninger af moduler Magento 2 træning

About Kaffekapslen

Kaffekapslen.dk is the Nordic region's largest coffee capsule supplier currently operating and delivering coffee capsules to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, UK and Spain. We have worked successfully with Kaffekapslen since 2015 and we are proud and happy to have had an exciting journey together. Together we have launched 7 new websites for the European market and worked on many innovative projects.


Aarhus Sea Shop havde udover en ny Magento 2 webshop også brug for en migrering af deres produkter fra deres gamle Magento 1-platform til Magento 2. Da de har et stort produktkatalog, var det vigtigt, at dataene blev migreret korrekt, og at deres ERP-system fortsat ville være integreret med deres onlinebutik, en udfordring var, at de ikke validerer på SKU-numre som standard, men på EAN-numre. Desuden var designet en forældet og skulle moderniseres, ligesom UI/UX kunne forbedres.


Vi har udviklet en API-integration mellem Navision og Magento, som opdaterer lageret i realtid. Da onlinebutikken deler lager med den fysiske butik, opdateres det begge veje. Vores dygtige designteam skabte et nyt, moderne og optimeret design, der bedre viser den brede vifte af produkter, der tilbydes på hjemmesiden, og optimerede kunderejsen med forbedret navigation og nem adgang til underkategorier med flotte ikoner. Aarhus Sea Shop havde en vellykket lancering, og vi fortsætter med at forbedre og optimere siden.

Custom add-to-cart

On the category pages, we developed an easy to navigate functionality that enables users to manage and add product quantity in real-time, right from the category page, without any page reload. This makes it easier for customers to quick-buy and bulk-buy without having to open each product page individually.

We decided to implement this functionality with GraphQL, instead of the default Ajax, to decrease time of adding product to the cart.This change to GraphQL removed almost half a second from the operation processing time.

Custom add-to-cart functionality

On the category pages, we developed an easy to navigate functionality that enables users to manage and add product quantity in real-time, right from the category page, without any page reload. This makes it easier for customers to quick-buy and bulk-buy without having to open each product page individually.

We decided to implement this functionality with GraphQL, instead of the default Ajax, to decrease time of adding product to the cart.This change to GraphQL removed almost half a second from the operation processing time.

Custom add-to-cart functionality

On the category pages, we developed an easy to navigate functionality that enables users to manage and add product quantity in real-time, right from the category page, without any page reload. This makes it easier for customers to quick-buy and bulk-buy without having to open each product page individually.

We decided to implement this functionality with GraphQL, instead of the default Ajax, to decrease time of adding product to the cart.This change to GraphQL removed almost half a second from the operation processing time.

Custom add-to-cart functionality

On the category pages, we developed an easy to navigate functionality that enables users to manage and add product quantity in real-time, right from the category page, without any page reload. This makes it easier for customers to quick-buy and bulk-buy without having to open each product page individually.

We decided to implement this functionality with GraphQL, instead of the default Ajax, to decrease time of adding product to the cart.This change to GraphQL removed almost half a second from the operation processing time.

Custom add-to-cart functionality

On the category pages, we developed an easy to navigate functionality that enables users to manage and add product quantity in real-time, right from the category page, without any page reload.


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